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Books by Rama K. Ramaswamy



"I thoroughly enjoyed this beautifully written and insightful book of poetry. RKR has a talent for seeing the remarkable in the ordinary events of our lives. A truly gifted author."

Catherine Schiffer

Luxury International Sales Director, NYC

"I connected deeply with the author's poems about motherhood...From the pressure to be Superwoman to the special connection to our first born. So touching..."

Kari L. Sciera

L'Oreal Paris Academy Winner Fabulous Over 40

Sugar House Review #10: Five-Year Anniversary edition "must read" 

Sugar House Review (click to read poems)

"Just wonderful! Fills your heart and soul. Also loved that the author supports breast cancer. A must read for women."

Helena Venieris Groussis

Business Manager, Aesciepion Healthcare LLC

Volunteer, Dana Farber Cancer Institute


Timing is Everything

Carencia, as translated from Spanish, in its use and meaning is wide ranging- an exclusion period or in reference to scarcity, lacking, short-coming, deficiency etc., which can all, also be sources of profound strength and awareness which connect human beings across space and time.


Timing Is Everything, a collection of short stories, reflects the book's title with the turn of each page- its charged locales and the lives of the endlessly varied characters within them, are evoked with a tenderness and vulnerability found in only our most observant seers. Each story feels known, yet remains mysterious as a result of the writing style; the reader focuses on what's present because of what's absent.

Coming Soon!



Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.


A. A. Milne

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